You can receive notifications from your favorite application when someone submits a submission to your rule-based bot or interacts with your AI-powered bot. In this guide, you’ll see how easy it is to use Mevo’s webhook feature and Zapier.

Note before starting: mevo’s webhooks feature is only available for the Pro plan.

A Basic Example: Receiving Discord Notifications

Let’s start with an easy example: we can receive a message to our Discord channel when someone interacts with our chatbot.

Step 1: Create a unique channel for your notifications or use the existing one. This isn’t mandatory; it depends on your use case.

We’ll get notification messages into this channel when someone interacts with all our bots in the organization.

We’ll get notification messages into this channel when someone interacts with all our bots in the organization.

Step 2: Get a webhook URL for this channel by using Discord settings and clicking the gear icon on the right side of the channel name.

Click on Integrations from the left. You’ll see the Webhooks list. Click the Copy Webhook URL button and copy the webhook URL on the clipboard. We’ll use it in Mevo’s integration section.

You can customize the image and name for your hook sender. We chose to name it Mevo in this example.

You can customize the image and name for your hook sender. We chose to name it Mevo in this example.

Step 3: Give this webhook URL to mevo.

Follow the Settings → Integrations path on the mevo dashboard. You’ll see an input. Paste your webhook URL from Discord to here, and save changes using the purple button.

Paste your webhook URL and save the changes. This webhook will run whenever a user interacts with a chatbot in this organization. In the future, you can define webhooks for all chatbots separately.

Paste your webhook URL and save the changes. This webhook will run whenever a user interacts with a chatbot in this organization. In the future, you can define webhooks for all chatbots separately.

Step 4: Test it with an example chatbot

Let’s see what our webhook looks like when someone interacts with our bots. First, try it with the rule-based bot.

Example body for rule-based chatbots. When someone interacts with rule-based chatbots, mevo will send the whole submission with questions and answers from the user.

Example body for rule-based chatbots. When someone interacts with rule-based chatbots, mevo will send the whole submission with questions and answers from the user.